安柏环球金融集团与不同业界之商界翘楚荣获由国际著名商业杂志Mediazone Group颁发之“2009香港最有价值企业大奖”。
“Interestingly, research preceding our selection process revealed fewer companies qualified to be short-listed for this year’s list. Though most showed glowing annual financial results, market opinion was less than exuberant. Market opinion being one of our criteria, a small number (than usual) made it to the finish line. The results of our research programme seemed to suggest to companies that the means do justify the end because after all the opinion of the customer is important and shouldn’t be ignored at any costs. So this year’s selection may not rank among the financial successes of Hong Kong. They have however been proved to have admirable customer satisfaction focus, strong quality assurance programmes and clearly defined customer feedback-collection mechanisms. We were looking for specifics like; individual customer service quality, accurate product and service information, cutting edge product development, community service and “attitude” toward partners, suppliers and clients.”