《Mr. Kennedy LIU Tat-Yin (R3), Chairperson and Ms. Christine FANG Meng-Sang, BBS, JP (L3), Chief Executive of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service present the Caring Company Award to Mr. Arnold YEUNG (R2), Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of AMG FINANCIAL GROUP (with the presence of Mr. Henry LEUNG (L1) and Mr. Raymond IP (R1), Business Development Directors, and Mr. Allen TSE (L2), Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of AMG FINANCIAL GROUP) at the Caring Company Recognition Ceremony.》
AMG has been awarded the “Caring Company Award“ presented by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (the umbrella organization of around 400 non-governmental organizations (NGOs), that provide over 90% of the social welfare services for those in need through their 3,000 service units all over Hong Kong.) for seven consecutive years (2005/06 to 2011/12). This year, the Recognition Ceremony was held in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and hosted by The Hon Bernard CHAN, GBS, JP, Chairperson of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service Caring Company Scheme Steering Committee with the presence of Mr. Ambrose LEE Siu-Kwong, GBS, IDSM, JP, Secretary for Security and Acting Chief Secretary for Administration of Hong Kong SAR as the officiating guest who presented awards to the winners.